Another consideration in a relationship centers on opinion. We don't always agree but our motives involving opinions should not center on who's right and who's wrong. The conversations in such relationships can accelerate higher and higher until someone gets plowed down. No matter who is right or wrong, arguments can be a battle of egos, pride, self-righteousness
and the relationship becomes unbalanced and doomed. There is no service, there is no unity, there is no good outcome.
We should respect the rights of others to have a different opinion. Free-will choice is a right. At the same time, we are not expected to respect an opinion another holds that is contrary to the word of God. If there is an opportunity to help someone understand God's word better we can influence the outcome of a relationship challenge. God has asked us to serve one another. Our respect and love for God motivates us to do just that. Having God's authority enables us to accomplish the will of God. It is based on godly love.
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear (respect, reverence and love) of God. Ephesians 5:21This is not easy and may be oversimplified because human nature would have us look sideways instead of up first for answers. Accusation, competition, pride, indignation and other things start to take root which only send relationships south. The only way to look is up by looking at what the word says about a particular situation, praying and listening to God in patient trust on how to handle it and remembering that nothing is earth-shattering. This is how we can respect others and love them the way God wants us to love them. When we react on what God asks us to do, we don't have to worry, the outcome will ultimately be the way it needs to be.
3 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1
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