What if someone gave you a gift and it was wrapped in a beautiful package. You certainly wouldn't ignore that person or scowl a him. What if you opened the package and there was nothing in there but a piece of paper with the word 'grace' written on it? You might feel let down and empty. That is sometimes how I felt when I was trying to understand what God meant by grace. I found definitions of grace galore like 'unearned favor, God's unmerited divine favor, divine favor etc. I get that we don't earn it, but oftentimes those definitions don't really get to the heart of what grace is and grace is a very big beautiful concept.

Many people don't like to read instructions so they skip doing it altogether. I can't count how many times I've gone back to read the instructions on something and found a new way to apply and use it. This works the same way with God's word.
Grace is indeed God's unearned favor but it is so much more than just what dribbles from heaven. It is God's heart, his presence, his forgiveness and his power. It is just, very simply, his love. Grace comes with an instruction manual. We should want to read the instructions and utilize his gift of grace fully. "Obedience" is not a bad word and it is not contrary to grace. It is simply knowing what is available and knowing that we have the right to accept God's unmatched blessing in our lives by receiving what he offers us. When we fully understand why we listen to God, why we read his word, why we pray, we look forward to it. It is not a chore or something we have to do.
I used to follow a schedule for reading the Bible, but I soon found myself reading a chapter and thinking about a million other things and not remembering what I read, let alone applying it. I am reading through the Bible now but time is of no essence and sometimes something in the Old Testament brings something in the New Testament to my mind and I go there. Usually it is because I'm onto something that is right here and now in my life. It is amazing but not surprising that God can be so personable and close. Knowledge helps in recognizing God at work and having the freedom in your mind to let him expand the work of grace in your heart.