20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!Everybody seems to know what's right in God's eyes and, in doing so, are judging others by their own religiosity. I feel like there is a lot of finger pointing and condemnation which has reached a ridiculous pitch and causing a lot of woe.
Does God cause woe? Does he cause chaos and confusion? The answer to both questions is absolutely not!
Recently I read an article on synapses that are found between neurons in the human body. It is amazing how intricate the human body is and how well it is designed. Synapses are the spaces across which impulses in the human body flow along the nerves. The nerves form an amazing communication network throughout the body. It is quite humbling to even get a basic understanding of how it all works. God is not the author or designer of confusion. The design of the human body promotes well-being not woe!
God gave man the job of managing this world. He also gave man free-will choice to either accept or reject him. There are many many people who have helped humanity in science, medicine and research who have been inspired by God to steward what God originally designed. However, when money and profits become an issue, men have a tendency to screw things up. This is true in religion and education as well as politics. I include education because education has become a god in itself, the decider of what's good and evil. As a former teacher, it is quite alarming to me what is being taught and also what is not being taught in public schools today.
Parents are responsible to teach their children, not society or school board curriculums. As a parent and grandparent I take that responsibility seriously and refuse to stay silent on the dark things that creep into our society. Light always dispels darkness. In order for people to make the right decisions, they need to hear truth. I love my kids and I want the best for them, but I can't do that calling evil good and good evil.
Religion is supposed to teach us how to believe and walk in a loving relationship with our heavenly Father and yet again when money, profits and power get involved, truth falls by the wayside.The Word of God is even more amazing than the human body. People who have not taken the time to look at it in depth probably don't agree. For me the deeper I dig into its treasures, the more I marvel at the incredible nature of God's love. There is no mistaking evil for good and good for evil. It is all quite simple. Confusion dissipates into thin air when the true God is around resulting in peace and miraculous living. Who wouldn't choose that for themselves and their family.
There is a great verse in Psalms, 138:2
2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.