Man is not God and he never will be (that's why Atlas should have shrugged). God created man (who else could have done it - a gyrating amoeba in a concoction of a primeval slim pit? Puleeze!) God designed our wonderful reasoning mind better than man ever gives Him credit for. But man's purpose has nothing to do with wallowing around in the slim pit. God made us to know him and to love him (thank you Baltimore Catechism). So how do we get to know Him really? God had a book written. He didn't use ghost writers exactly, but he did have men jot down His exact thoughts.
2 Peter 1:21 (Amplified Bible)
21For no prophecy ever originated because some man willed it [to do so--it never came by human impulse], but men spoke from God who were borne along (moved and impelled) by the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is nothing without God! Without God it would be just philosophy,a way of life, a self-help book, or just some book we ought to read. Jesus Christ lived it in actual reality because the scrolls were more than words to him, it was the book of life. God gave it life through His spirit. We can live it too and prove it for ourselves.
Jesus Christ was the greatest leader of all times. He was a servant to all and that is part of what made him a great leader, but anybody can be a servant to others. That's a no brainer. What made Jesus Christ the very best, was that not that he was a good follower (anybody can do that too), but that he was a follower of God. True unity as Christians is that we have that same mindset. We follow God.
So why did Atlas carry the whole world on his shoulders? I don't know. It's really too hard to play God.