It is a reassuring sound hearing the dishwasher running and knowing that the crusty plates and ringed coffee cups are getting squeaky clean. Hot running water runs into every nook and cranny (yup! Sometimes even the saw teeth edge of a knife blade comes out sparkling! We have a good dishwasher!)
Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas. Solids have a definite shape. The molecules in a solid are more dense and more rigid than the other two states.
Fluids like water for example, take the shape of the container they are in or when poured out, the molecules move into every possible place they can get into. A solid becomes a liquid when the molecules are heated up. The heat makes them move around and causes melting and thus it takes on fluid qualities and starts to flow instead of keeping its shape.
In Romans 5:5-6, we can see this principle applied to how the love of God affects our lives and melts our hearts:
5And hope (trust in God) maketh not ashamed (disgraced, put to shame); because the love of God is shed abroad (poured out into every corner of our heart)in our hearts by the Holy Ghost (Spirit of God) which is given unto us.
6For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
The red hot love of God was made available to us through the resurrection of God's son by our free-will believing in what it accomplished. God appointed Lordship to Jesus Christ. It is legitimate power and authority not possessiveness or control. By our free-will choice we can tap into the very power and essence of God by accepting this lordship.
Our dishwasher has a few bells and whistles to accomplish its job and we have a complete owner's manual that spells out how to use it properly. I found out by reading this manual there are certain buttons I can push to get the ultimate dried on crud off and come out with squeaky clean plates.
The Word of God is the complete Owner's manual. We don't have to read the Word. We don't have to even think about it. It is our choice and that is what is so wonderful about God. Lordship is completely different from despotism. God is not controlling. We have a lot of freedom in Christ and all he represents. However, we can have freedom from misery, doubt and that cruddy, crusty feeling because the love of God is poured like energized living water into our hearts and we can be 'more than conquerors' (Romans 8:37) in everything when we use the Owner"s Manual!
A few months ago I purchased a new food processor. I read through the how to use section quite carefully but not the how to store. Well, I put the bowl on it after I washed it. BIG mistake! That little inocent act burned the motor. Guess what, it says so in the instruction manual. Had to buy a new one. What a waste of time and hard earned dollars! Same with God's Word. Like you said, it is our choice to read God's manuel and then our choice to LIVE it. Sure saves a lot when we do!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ginny!
Just the opposite of Pharoah's heart in Exodus.