Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
What is corrupt communication? Like the verse says it is communication that doesn’t edify. So what is edification? It is life as it is built up on the strong, sound foundation of Jesus Christ. All else is sinking sand. It is as simple as that!
To minister grace is to join someone to the power, rights and privileges of God. It is the vital true way to walk in sonship and claim all the promises of God. As each member in the body of Christ rises up to his own individual trust, respect and love for God an environment of unfailing power prevails. It is a vital manifestation of the grace administration that we are now privileged to live.
We don’t need a huge cathedral with special lighting, pews, and a formal bell-ringing, liturgical service. God’s word says it take two or three gathered as the body of Christ to change the course of someone’s life. Maybe all you need is a living room, a coffee shop, hospital room, park, grocery store, school, dorm or wherever else people get together. It doesn’t matter. When God is in the middle of a small group of people, they can change the course of history!