Ephesians is a great book! It contains important keys to maturing as a Christian. You don't have to know Greek or Aramaic to understand its breath-taking truths. My favorite verse is Ephesians 4:15:
There is a beautiful 3-part precept magnificently displayed in this verse. To grow up: 1) we speak, 2) the truth 3) in love. All three components are vital elements to our growth. We can speak the truth certainly. So can legalists, religionists, quoters; anyone can speak truth. We can speak in love, but we might be humanists, people pleasers, and even flatterers. We can love truth but how does that help anyone else or help us mature. We need all three elements if we want to really help people know God better as we mature in the unselfish nature that Jesus Christ so exemplified.
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

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