Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The apostle Paul was a unique individual who actually penned much of the New Testament Word of God in the first century. The book of Acts was recorded by Luke and is a history of the changes that took place as the first century church grew and matured. Paul was a significant contributor to its growth. We read about speaking in tongues on the day of Pentecost as well at 4 other instances where people exhibited this manifestation, but it was Paul who revealed the other ways of operating the gift of holy spirit in the church such as interpretation and prophecy and how to correctly conduct fellowship meetings without confusion. This starts in I Corinthians 12:1
Now concerning spiritual gifts (spiritual matters), brethren, I would (strongly desire) not (absolutely not) have you ignorant. 
This means that God does not want us stupid about spiritual things. This expression ‘would not have ye ignorant’ is used 6 times in the New Testament. There are 6 things God wants us to be smart about. These things God is adamant about us knowing:
1. Romans 1:13 (the desire of the gift ministries to bring forth fruit from God)  Men and women will serve as God's ministers in specific areas under the umbrella of reconciling others to God. God knows each individual personally and can utilize an individual's unique abilities and believing to accomplish the ministry of reconciliation.  It is God that energizes ministries on his timetable to whom, about what, where and He gives the increase. God is first and foremost sovereign in our lives. He is the prime mover and energizer. We are not called by a denomination, reformer or saint. Paul was called by God, not by Peter or the Jerusalem church. 
2. Romans 11:25 (mystery of Christ in every believer regardless of Judean or Gentile) It doesn't matter whether you are male or female, old or young, American, Chinese or Russian.
3. I Cor 10:1 (Old Testament legacy of the anticipation of the Messiah) A key to understanding the Old Testament is understanding that the spirit of God was upon certain ones and was conditional. They looked for a day they would receive more.  Today in this administration the gift of holy spirit is in us and we can't lose it. It is by our free will choice whether we utilize it.
4. 1 Cor 12:1(spiritual matters) This includes the gift of holy spirit in every believer, gift ministries, including operations, diversities and administration) All life is spiritual and spiritual knowledge exceeds sense knowledge in clearly understanding life.
5. II Cor 1:8 (commitment under pressure) In chapter 2 Paul says we are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices. God is our grace and sufficiency. He always provides a way to escape the things in this world that attempt to pull us down by utilizing our spiritual abilities.
6. I Thessalonians 4:13(our hope of the future and eternal life)
God evidently thinks these things are very important and the Pauline epistles fully instruct us on these matters and they are important to be understood.

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