Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pawn or Servant?

Recently I heard someone describe a candidate on the news as a 'servant'. As I looked up his voting record, I felt a certain dissonance with that choice of  word in describing the man. A servant is an individual who is interested in the welfare of others.

Jesus Christ defined servanthood so simply in Mark 10:44
And whosoever of  you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.
Sometimes in our world we get the word 'servant' mixed up with 'pawn'. A pawn is an individual that is manipulated for service. The individual is at the service of someone who is not necessarily interested in the welfare of all.

Anyone on God's slate of leadership truly knows the meaning of servanthood and has a 'superpac' strength that is beyond anything this world has to offer. I have known public servants that understand this principle and they are not necessarily very public with what they accomplish and probably not approved by the media because they are not 'pawnable'.

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