Sunday, June 19, 2016

Mission Possible - Should You Accept this Assignment.....

Serious consideration was given to the dividing up of the promised land, it was not haphazard. Lands had to be conquered. Living in the land promised previously to the Hebrews, were people who were ungodly and dangerous. God made it clear that they had to wipe out the enemy before settling there or the infiltration of their amoral and dark culture would seriously affect and harm the people of God.

Three of the tribes of Israel decided they settled on the east side of the Jordan: Reuben, Gad and half of  Manasseh (Numbers 32) because the land was suitable for livestock.  Moses asked them to help the rest of the tribes obtain their land.

Once the land was somewhat conquered, the land on the west side was divided up between the other tribes. It is interesting that they decided the sections by lot along with taking consideration the size and attributes of the land for each specific tribe. Planning, preparation, fairness were the basis for making their decisions. It is interesting going back to Genesis 48 and 49 when Abraham blessed each of his sons before he died, including a private blessing and adoption of Joseph's sons. It is all very purposeful and I'm just beginning to delve into the connections. The Word of God is amazing and intricately detailed. It is breathtaking.

God hasn't changed. Our promised land today is spiritual. God is fair, just, loving, and no respecter of persons. He's the kind of Father that has given you a specific assignment, equipped you for that assignment ( with all the high tech spiritual gadgets), believes that you can do it (should you choose to accept the assignment) and then He has thrown in grace, mercy, and peace on top of all that!

We are each members in particular, called uniquely. Your spiritual territory is between you and God and God's right-hand man, Jesus Christ! No one else has a right to your assignment. It is part of the great idea God had from the beginning of the creation of man that came into manifestation in the New Testament.  The power of God was not meant to be limited to a select few. It was meant for anyone who believes. Don't let anyone talk you out of it!
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation(mission wholeness) with fear and trembling (respect and trust). 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13
In Joshua 9, the Hebrews compromised a tad bit with the Gibeonites, but when they realized it, they had to make an adjustment. Yea grace, mercy and peace! The Gibeonites didn't run them over but were compliant, so it worked.

Life is full of adjustments, and sometimes the path changes but the calling doesn't. The key is in still looking to God and Jesus Christ who is the head of the church. Many people struggle with this asking themselves the age old question "What is my purpose in life?".  Dig into the Word of God and stay devoted to prayer and listen. The answers will start coming. God is very chatty on this subject! You don't have to sit down and try to figure this out all by yourself.

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