My husband and I recently put a hummingbird feeder on our front window. It is a very simple feeder, shaped like a flower and is bright red. We poured a nectar-like liquid in and just left it alone. It was not too long after that a very small bird appeared at the feeder moving its wings so fast that we could hardly see them. The bird stuck its beak into the feeder and extracted the nectar quickly flew away.
I did a little research and found more about how the hummingbird feeds. It is the sweet nectar of flowers that attracts pollinators to plants. These birds and insects pickup and transport pollen to other plants for reproduction producing more flowers and fruit.
Scientists used to think that these birds got nectar out of flowers through capillary action (liquid rising through a tube), but with recent developments in high speed photography they were able to determine that it is actually the bird's tongue that captures and curls around the nectar and pulls it into the birds mouth through its beak. The hummingbird's beak protects the bird from the tougher parts of the plant and enables the bird to get to the nectar.
Hummingbirds don't stay very long at the feeder; it is hard to get a picture of them. It is difficult to see their wings as the are moving so fast as the hover around the bird feeder. They will keep coming back regularly as long as they can find their treasure.
The hummingbird is a unique bird among birds. It is beautiful and has an amazingly energetic metabolism. I love the creativity of God and how everything he has created is significantly designed. There can be no question about the creator and his beautiful creation when one observes and studies this bird. It is 'loving geniusness'!
God's word is the nectar of the creator. We benefit immensely when we dive into its riches. It supplies vitality and life to our whole being. It is the fuel of our hearts and gives wings to our freedom.
God's word is the nectar of the creator. We benefit immensely when we dive into its riches. It supplies vitality and life to our whole being. It is the fuel of our hearts and gives wings to our freedom.
I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil (treasure). Psalm 119:162

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