Monday, September 18, 2017

Love Among Believers-Romans 1

The more I truly and accurately understand the identity of Jesus Christ and his role in our lives, the simpler the Word of God becomes.  I once thought Romans was an extremely difficult book to understand, but that was because of confusing theology and man-made interpretations of God's Word. Once the layers of PhD crust are peeled off the solid  beauty and symmetry of God's undeniable love, the light of truth just absolutely shines through.

Romans Chapter 1 is jammed-packed with  crystal clear truth. The apostle Paul, who recorded Romans, was a unique individual: He had everything in life that people strive for: success, respect, a mission, influence and power. Right in the middle of his success he changed horses or rather fell off his high horse when he met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Things changed drastically after that. In the heart of his heart he became who he really wanted to be. He was quite a humble man and as an apostle, he brought forth the light of the New Testament grace administration into view. He is a great example of a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The love of God was shed abroad in his heart and he shared that love:
11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; 12 That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Romans 1:11-12
Paul loved fellow believers; he longed to see them. The word 'see' is more than just a visual seeing, it involves an experience.  Paul want to give what he had; he wanted to share what he spiritually had to strengthen them and be blessed by them in their mutual faith together. The word comfort (sumparakaleo) is a togetherness of encouragement. They shared the same faith and rejoiced with each other over it. This is an example of the truly satisfying relationships that can develop between believers.

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