As I continue to read about the great David in the Old Testament, the more I see him as a person. His life was very real and his heart, thinking, emotions, missteps and huge victories are fully made plain. The Bible really lets us into his heart not in a religious, pious way, but with an authentic window to clearly get to know him. Yes, he was the slingshot man, a warrior, a leader, and a king, but there is so much more in the word about him as a man and his heart for God. His life can inspire our own heart.
As I was looking at Psalms, I stumbled on a gold nugget in Psalm 34:4
I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.David dealt with fear! It says he got relief from "all" his fears. That is a big statement!
"All" means all and indicates a plurality of fearful thoughts. We all have to deal with the bombardment of fearful thoughts on our brain cells. No one is exempt from this. It is life. If the great David had to deal with it, so do we. The great apostle Paul had to deal with fear and certainly Jesus Christ, God's own son had to deal with it! How did they all deal with it? They sought God.

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7
Instead, he gives us three doors to choose from: the right kind of power, the right kind of love, and a sound (rock solid) mind! Not only does he give us these three doors, but he gives us the choice of choosing all three! There is no mountain too high, or Goliath too tall, or darkness too thick, or chaos too confusing, that these great verses can't send packing in a instant.
Fear (Old English for respect and awe of God) replaces fear! 😊
We have so much to be thankful for!
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