Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Recognizing the Treasures in Life

My grandson received a metal-detector as a gift when he was at the seashore. He collected all sorts of odds and ends that were hidden from view in the sand. He even found a paperclip that was underwater. When we all set out to learn how to use this peculiar beeping machine, it seemed like it was going to be tough finding things. After reading the instructions carefully and seasoning the hunt with a large teaspoon of patience and diligence, the machine started to beep over certain spots.

The word 'treasure' implies something that is buried and precious. It is easy to find seashells all over the beach, but many of them are broken and chipped because they have been trampled on or tossed around by the rolling tides.  They have been exposed to the elements of the world.

The human heart contains great treasures. Everyone is different and sometimes we don't detect the gems buried deep within the heart of another. Loving another person or even oneself takes patience and diligence to find the treasure within. What is on the surface might be chipped or cracked but not necessarily what is on the inside. In a time where the culture seems to be magnifying 'offense' and accusation, it's time to dig for the buried treasure in relationships not the sand covering it.

The greatest way to live is to live by truth. Emerson said: "Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men." Shedding light on truth involves the question to what is truth?  God is the heart and designer of all that is created. It just seems that credit should be given where it is due. God has to be the source of truth.

The Word of God is a treasure. It is the property of no individual but is a treasure for all who seek it. It is not something that you get downloaded into your heart in a split second or get the fast food version from someone else. It takes time, patience and an effort to uncover its never ending treasures for yourself.  Jesus Christ showed us the way to live with God as our Father.

God's word teaches us so much about life and living with one another.  As we learn and apply it, experience reaffirms its validity and we become secure in the power that God endows us with. We have this great treasure in a earthen vessel:
6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:6-10 
We all fail, at times; it is inevitable and we are among others who fail even though they may be trying not to.  Our New Year's resolutions will fade away, sooner probably than later, but the Word of God will endure forever. As I watch the beautiful sunrise this morning, I am reminded of God's faithfulness. When has the sun ever failed to rise?

Happy New Year

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