Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Be The Person God thinks You Are

Recently I saw a quote on line that read ;"Be the person your dog
thinks you are". I have known a few wonderful dogs in my time and the dogs I have known have been loving, loyal friends. One thing I remember most about the dogs we have owned was seeing their eyes light up and their wagging tails that always greeted us when walked towards them on especially tough, tiring days. It was so heartwarming. Our Katy and Maggie could always make us smile.  

God made animals to bless us and they do offer us amazing lessons in life.  All of God's creation teaches us about how much he has provided for us and loves us. Getting back to the quote, I chuckled at the the spelling of the word 'dog'. It reminded me about being the person God thinks you are. God looks upon us as sons and daughters. Ok, maybe he doesn't wag his tail when we enter the throne room of his love, but he is certainly happy, loyal and excited when we do.

I didn't always know God as I do now and I'm very thankful that I know him now better than I ever did. Last night, I read a few of David's psalms after a very long day. Now don't get me wrong, the book Psalms is filled with beautiful prayers to God, but the ones I was reading didn't light up for me or chase away the gray cloud that was hanging over my head. David lived in Old Testament times, we live in the times of the New Testament which is all about Jesus Christ and what his life means to us in our connection to God. If you really want to know who God thinks we are, read the book of Ephesians, Colossians or I, II or III John! just as a start. 

God is faithful, loyal and he invented love! If we focus on our shortcomings, failures, and  downright sin, we tend to run away from God and hide like kids do when they mess up. Well, God even tells us that we all sin and come short of the glorious life God has for us. We should never hide from God because the minute we step into his light, our lives change and he remembers nothing about our sin. If he had a tail it would be wagging faster than a helicopter blade on a supersonic jet!

How do we step into his light? Read Ephesians, pour your heart out to him and make a list of things he has done for you. One day when I was feeling schmucky, I bought a little yellow spiral notebook and wrote down all the things I could remember of how God had blessed me. The list grew and grew and grew. I started remembering things from my childhood (and that was long ago). I remembered people who specifically taught me how much God loves us. Other things kept popping up and I'd write them in my book. Everyday something pops into my head.  It often occurs when I read a record in the Bible and it reminds me of an incident.  I get my yellow book and write it down so I don't forget.

There's a lot of garbage floating around this world to try and push us to forget God and what he has done for us, so it is good to go back and read these lists.  When I reread my list, I am amazed at the miraculous life I have lived! Forget the sin, the negatives and ask God to remind you of his work in your life. The only thing sin will remind us of, is its utter futility and distraction and traps. God himself, on the other hand, constantly reminds us what he thinks of us and lifts our heart.

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