The book of Acts is a book about the life in the first century. In it’s records are snapshot views into people lives after Jesus Christ’s ascension to the right hand of God. Even the last 40 days of his presence on earth was remarkable (and you can imagine how many people were remarking to each other about all that had happened!) He died, arose, walked around for 40 days and took off. Then to top it off, a phenomenal event happened on the annual feast of the day of Pentecost in the temple with the 12 who were left behind along with all the others who had followed him. At the end of the second chapter of Acts we see a summation of how some people handled it. (See 'Fellowship' in 'Digging Deeper')
Acts 2:46b-47a They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. (NIV 2010)
Thankful people are thankful for thankful people. Thankful people like to hang around thankful people.
Acts 2:47b And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
It is not hard to understand, I like thankful people, especially people who are thankful and recognize how God has truly blessed them.
In the book of Galatians some of the first century citizens lost sight of this and Paul wrote to remind people who love God about this thankfulness in their dealings others. The Galatians had forgotten God's abundant grace and had focused on their works, judgement, and lofty comparisons. Paul reminded them that it is God's love that we love each other with.
Galatians 6:10 (Amplified Bible)So then, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good [morally] to all people [not only being useful or profitable to them, but also doing what is for their spiritual good and advantage]. Be mindful to be a blessing, especially to those of the household of faith [those who belong to God's family with you, the believers].God's family is huge! We don't have time to be anything but thankful!
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