Saturday, September 10, 2011

Paul, a Servant

Paul, right out of the gate, in Romans, labels himself 'a servant' in Romans 1:1. He is a servant of Jesus Christ  before any of the rest of his credentials.  Later on in the same chapter, Paul expresses this heart  in:
Romans 1:11  For I long to see you, that I may impart (Link- Metadidomai) unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;
His desire to give was all wrapped up in establishing (Link - sterizo) others. Any person who loves God has the same calling if he or she has recognized the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the servant of all servants (Philippians 2:7)!

As we recognize what God has done, is doing and will yet do for us, we cannot help but love Him and love others with the same love. That's the way it is supposed to work.

The word 'impart' is an interesting study .  It's the 'what do we do?' in practice.  Paul was studied in the scriptures, passionate about God and had a unique awareness of the meaning of God's gift of His Son and the role of the holy spirit in our lives.  That is what he gave. He has openly laid out the truth of the mystery (God's intent with the death, resurrection and ascension of His son in helping us to become powerful sons and daughters). He helped people by setting them firm in God's love. That was his gift that he imparted to the Romans and us as well.
Romans 1:12 That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.
Paul's humble attitude is so clear in verse 12. He himself benefited from their 'mutual faith'.

Each of us has something unique to give others and receive in return.  However, doing good for the sake of doing good is not what this is about. Servants have a master; it is our master's business we must be about in order to produce the satisfying, mutual fruit of God. It is then we can truly 'distribute (link - koinoneo) to the necessity of the saints' as servants.

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