Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Holydays Everyday!

Santa Claus is not the same as God. Santa Claus is fictional. Santa is a likable character (red suit, fluffy white beard, cherry colored cheeks etc), but that is what he is, a character. He's a fictional do-gooder that most everybody likes because he's the great giver (Ho, Ho, Ho!) and that's the way we fashioned him. Can Santa make a a pine tree? Did Santa figure out how to provide electricity to make the colored lights glow? Yet, we, without realizing it, make good ole Santa into a god of sorts. However, there's no need to worry, he's a type of 'idol-lite' that soon disappears only to make way for the cute little easter bunny (colored eggs and lots of candy). It all fits under the label of 'frivolity' (maybe).
What about God? Yes I have heard that certain topics are off limits in "polite company"(Santa and the easter bunny are not on this list). Who made that rule? I can understand politics, sex and religion (organizational Christianity) falling into that category but we should not feel that way about God.

Let say two people buy a Ford pick-up. They both like their trucks. Wouldn't they have something in common to talk about? If a third person approaches them asking them how they like their truck, wouldn't they talk about their trucks. What if one answered, "I have my own thoughts on it" and and then didn't say anything? Wouldn't that be weird?

For those who know how real God is, it is pure joy to continue to get to know Him and the great path of His son. Everyday on that path is exciting and totally fulfilling! Sometimes the tiniest thing He does in our lives makes us want to shout out about it, despite whatever 'polite' rules' in society legislate. Society ain't in that great of shape!

We certainly don't make God into what we want Him to be.  That is nothing short of idolatry. We look to His Word expecting to receive good sound thinking and then we know for real because we see it happen right before our eyes as we apply it:
"He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him" Hebrews 11:6b
The word 'holiday' comes from the word 'holyday'. So don't worry about being 'politically correct' when you say 'Happy Holydays', but make sure it's plural so that it applies to everyday of the year.

Ho! Ho! Ho! 
Have a great New Year!

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