Monday, March 11, 2019

Effectual Fervent Prayer

Yesterday I  decided to catch up with the news and not to my surprise, nothing had changed. The news echoed the same ole same ole drone of futility and negative banter as usual. It offered the fullest range of conspiracy, blame, shame, accusation, and defamation it could conger up and then repeated it from program to program, hour to hour.

Enough is enough! Life should not be as complicated or as sinister as is danced out in front of us in every newspaper, commentary and media presentation. People need to stand up and call it what it is. It is not about hiding our heads in the sand, nor is it about swimming with the sharks.  It is about telling the truth. It is only within truth that answers come.

James 5:16: Confess your (added by translators- leave it in or take it out) faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
The world is full of things that are wrong; things that God never intended for this world.  By openly agreeing and acknowledging what is off the mark, we open the doors to putting things right. We should do this together and cleave to what is right for one another other. Hiding is not 'effectually fervent'. Prayer is to be 'effectually fervent' and full of energy to get things done. Prayer is openingly acknowledging God's power and love.

'Healing' is the result. the first use of 'healing' is used in Genesis 20 in the Old Testament. It is a great example of this verse in James.  Abraham had gotten into a bad situation in Gerar because of some second guessing peppered with fear. To may a long story short (Read the record! It is exquisite) Abrahams wife ended up in the Philistine ruler's  (Abimelech) harem and things started going awry.  No more children were being born in Abimeleh's household and Abimelech spoke openly to Abraham (a prophet) about it. It was open acknowledgement of the truth and will of God. In the end, Abraham prayed and things were set right and everybody benefited.

A 'righteous man is one who has been justified by Christ and can stand in the presence of God without fear, shame or guilt.  What a privilege! What a comfort! It is very powerful in our lives. We can do this together and make a difference!
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

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