Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Refreshed Mind

Recently I read Romans 12:2 and it seemed like I was reading it for the first time. God encourages us to think outside the box of this world's thinking (which is not a bad idea these days) and experience the transformation that happens in your mind when it is refreshed by the word in any given situation.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing (refreshing) of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
The world's ploys and scheme of things can drop a gloomy veil over our surroundings. We can't see it, but we can feel it.  The very second God's word crosses our mind everything seems to lift. It is just like the morning fog that lifts as the light from the sun burns it off.

The word of God is refreshing! God challenges us to prove it to ourselves. Try it you'll like it! The word buoys our hearts and lifts us so often beyond what we ask or think! We have decisions to make about many things. A while back I was tentative about where we were planning to go to get away from the snow.  My husband was eager to go to a certain place and I just hadn't thought about it. I felt like I lacked the enthusiasm to do the things necessary to do it but decided to just give it to God. I just didn't worry about it; neither did I dive in and work at it to overcome my lack of enthusiasm. Well, as the days went on I started looking forward to the getaway. I didn't have to work hard or long in preparation, things fell into place so beautifully. I was abundantly blessed by it all. The whole thing turned out better than I could have expected.

There is so much in our lives that God can influence and bless. We just have to let him. Many people are afraid of God because of things they've been taught, or things they've done or experienced. They may be just afraid of things they don't really know about or are just plain afraid of everything.

Several months ago I decided to select a verse to think about for a month at a time and when something came up I really leaned in on the particular verse during that time. The verse quickly became my harbor and safe haven! God will not knock us over the head with the word, but God is very eager to prove his word when we apply it. All that is required is a willing heart. That is really not a tough thing to do.

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