Friday, October 18, 2019


Recently, I was going over an old word study I had done on the word 'approved' (Greek = dokimos) that was used in II Timothy 2:15:
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I picked that word to study because of a deep down yearning to be approved by God and not ashamed. It was the first real word study I ever did and I struck gold on the first try!

The first use of the word 'dokimos' is in Romans 14:           
17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 18 For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. 19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
Paul was addressing a situation that had arisen in regards to the eating of meat that had been devoted to worship sacrifices in the temple. Some believers enjoying their new found freedom from the rituals were offending those who had not reached the same level of understanding of their new freedom in Christ.

In the religion that I was raised in, meat was not supposed to be eaten on Fridays. I remember one specific incidence that happened while we were flying to the Philippines. I have often thought back on it as great teaching moment for a scrupulous 11 year old in loving God. Flying far above the sparkling Pacific Ocean through a beautiful blue sky on a gorgeous Friday afternoon through white fluffy clouds, I was totally enjoying the view when the stewardess came by and put a plate of steak and vegetables on my tray table. I was mortified. I told her it was Friday and she smiled back and told me it was no longer Friday and that we had just crossed the International Date Line. I remember thinking that that was pretty cool because I was hungry! I was free to enjoy to meal. God is so much more than rituals involving 'meat and drink.'

We have been set free  because of Jesus Christ's once and for all sacrifice.  Sacrifice has been replaced by righteousness, joy and peace.   We all know what peace and joy are and no one ever complains about an atmosphere of peace and joy.  The misconception of righteousness in some circles might evoke shame which is  totally opposite as to what it means. Righteousness is the Christian's right to God's heart without condemnation.  God wants the best for our lives; he created the universe with that in mind. Love and righteousness go hand in hand.  Love is at the creamy caramel at the center of righteousness.

When we have the love of God at the center of our lives will carry love peace and joy to others. These are the foundation blocks of service to God and others. The word 'dokimos' was used  as a term in metallurgy to describe the actual amount of precious metal in an ore . An assay or a test was used to discover the true genuine worth of an ore. Righteousness, peace and joy are the precious core of genuine relationships. This is acceptable to God and gets the approved stamp from others.

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