Thursday, October 3, 2019

Pains of Mind

Isaiah 53 is a beautiful section full of detailed prophecies and exquisite language worth digging as a fathomless supply of rich treasures  It was written many hundreds of years before the time that Jesus walked this earth. Verses from Isaiah 53 are quoted several times in the Gospels and New Testament and have significant meaning especially in our practical experiences of life.

Verses 4-5 of this chapter and subsequent verses prophecy of the purpose and coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ  exposed the adversary and his effect on a person's life.  Jesus Christ is the solution and answer. Life is full of pressures, twists, disappointments, problems along with the successes, excitements and  blessings. Jesus Christ as God's son is our way in dealing with both sides of life successfully.
4 Surely (Truly) he hath borne ('nasa' lifted, carried and taken) our griefs ('choli' - used 24x {3x as griefs and 21x sickness or disease}, and carried ('sabal' - carried the load for us) our sorrows ('makob' - sorrows, pain, grief, pains of mind) yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isaiah says that they would look at him as someone who 'was stricken, and smitten of God and afflicted.' Jesus did battle with the forces of evil, not God. He did it for all mankind.
5 But he was wounded (pierced through) for our transgressions, he was bruised (crushed, humbled) for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes (blows that cut in) we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5
I have been working the Hebrew word 'makob' found in verse 4. Everyone experiences 'pains of mind'. The word is used 16 times in the Old Testament. Two of them are in Isaiah 53 in verse 4 above and verse 3 where Jesus is described as a man of sorrows. Jesus was fully acquainted with the effect of sorrow and mental pain and he relinquished his pains of mind to his heavenly Father. In verse 4 above, we read that he will load up and carry off our anguish and mental pressures. He can do that when we remind our brain cells  to do just that. Projected fear and worry have no right to freeze our minds because of the finished work of Jesus Christ. We as sons of God and joint heirs with Christ have rights because of his sacrifice for us. 

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