Sunday, October 19, 2014

Security in God Knocks Down Walls of Defensiveness

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone about God and realize that somehow something went awry. As I read Exodus this problem seemed constant just as it is today. People often misinterpret what others say, read into it what others say, throw up walls of defensiveness and sometimes act very offended.

When you really understand the gift of holy spirit and its value to the individual, there is a security and confidence that develops that is not based on arrogance nor pride. Fellowship between two people is absolutely magnified. No one is trying to get the drop on another or outdo someone to build themselves up because God is the true source of adequacy.

God planted His tabernacle smack dab in the middle of the orderly dispersion of the twelve tribes when they camped. All were reminded of Him in their midst. Everything in the set-up reminded them of Him: the offerings, the laver, materials used, the structure of the entire place, the veils and hooks and gate. In the opening of Leviticus, God is recorded to have met with Moses in the tabernacle. He no longer had to make treks up Mt Sinai.

In our world today God is even closer to the individual believer. He is at the center of our hearts.
That doesn't mean we don't need others. We do need to surround ourselves with those who remind us who we are in Christ and who seek his lordship. I love people who remind me of God and contrast the Bible with of the false narrative of the world. Too often even religious people can reflect a false narrative in the name of religion which can be quite confusing. It is great to know that God is nearer than our own breath and when we get together with others that have that understanding, it is amazing!

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